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Optez pour la location mensuelle !

Nos solutions de vidéosurveillance pour chantier de construction incluent des tours de vidéosurveillance et des caméras de surveillance chantier pour une sécurité optimale.

Ces dispositifs sont mobiles, autonomes et connectés, assurant une surveillance continue 24/7.

Ils sont équipés d'éléments dissuasifs et de détection d'intrusions, enregistrant et alertant en temps réel.

Cette protection couvre tous les aspects du chantier, prévenant les vols, les intrusions et les dégradations, garantissant ainsi la continuité des travaux et la sécurité des équipements et matériaux.

Optimal protection of construction sites with our video surveillance towers

Aloss of 1 to 2 billion euroseach year for construction professionals


A construction site storesexpensive equipment and materialsand verycoveted by thieveswho seek to steal materials and tools (cables, portable electrical equipment, copper, paint, etc.).

Our tours ofmobile, autonomous and connected video surveillancecan be put in place quickly and maintained throughout the duration of the work.
They reliably protect the entire construction site, securing it against intrusion, theft and damage, throughout the construction cycle.

Contact us about your project


Construction site intrusion:Ip-Mirador is the expert in securing construction sites throughout France.


Its devices ofautonomous, mobile and connected monitoringare based on an effective meshing of the zone combiningdeterrence, detection, video surveillance and alert equipment.


Construction sites, vacant buildings, industrial wasteland, offices, scaffolding, construction machinery and materials, administrative premises or tertiary buildings, require special attention becausemalicious acts are likely to lead to the suspension of workin progress as well as the increase in construction costs and failure to meet delivery deadlines.


Site video surveillance:Ip-Mirador can equip any site and environment.


Its mobile, autonomous and connected video surveillance towers detect, record and alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


They are equipped with site camerasautonomousand elementsdeterrentto notify the intruder that their presence has been detected.


It is possible toconstantly monitor your site, to process the images remotely in the event of a possible break-in and to transmit them either to a remote monitoring center or to the site manager via his smartphone.

controle a distance smartphone tablette


Receptionandconsultationof all youralarmsvideo on thecloud.

It is possible to qualify and filter your alarms via thebuilt-in algorithms: Truck, car, bike, human, bus

Monitor alarms wherever you are
The command center software can be deployed intablets / smartphones.
These monthly services without commitment are renewable at will, you only pay for the cloud when you use it.

Hosting and/or remote monitoring services are provided by partner remote monitoring centers

Chantiers protégés par Ip-Mirador


You just have to build, Ip-Mirador takes care of the rest...

+33 (0)4 67 24 40 84

Contact our specialized department now, we will advise you on the solution best suited to your needs.

Contact us

Tel: 04 67 24 40 84

Head office and production:
Artisan zone 1013 Avenue de la Salamane
SAS with a capital of 100,000 euros siret: 48053806500040
Intra VAT: FR13480538065

Our different departments:

The laboratory - Site access control-Anti-intrusion barrier-Industrial lighting and ATEX

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All rights reserved
Vigipole, video guard, Ip-mirador, Vigitracking, Vigimarque, Vigicase, Loraled, Blokacces, Vigifast, Bloktruck, Totemasolar,Vigitower , Vigitrolley, Viginomad, Vigisolar, Vigilaser are registered trademarks.
Any reproduction, publication, downloading, display, distribution is prohibited for any commercial or public use without the prior written consent of or the copyright holder.

construction site alarm

All rights reserved
Vigipole, video guard, Ip-mirador, Vigitracking, Vigimarque, Vigicase, Loraled, Blokacces, Vigifast, Bloktruck, Totemasolar,Vigitower , Vigitrolley, Viginomad, Vigisolar, Vigilaser are registered trademarks.
Any reproduction, publication, downloading, display, distribution is prohibited for any commercial or public use without the prior written consent of or the copyright holder.

construction site alarm

©2023 by IP-SECURITY

Website created by Eric FOURNIER Formationwebsite creation

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